Sunday, December 9, 2012

Role of Technology in My Classroom

    The role of technology in the classroom can be a very powerful tool. It can play music that helps sooth and develop a classroom environment, allow access to resources from around the world, help communicate to others, and can create interactive and personal lessons. These tools can be used to help develop the students into strong individuals who can later on use the technologies they learned from early on to develop and strengthen our world.

    As a future elementary educator I believe technology in the classroom is not just a tool but a necessity. I think that as these students are growing up in the digital era, that the classroom itself must reflect these technologies. I believe computers are a must for students, to not only gain hand-eye coordination but so that they can get a glimpse at technology that they will be using later in their education. Also, an Ipod containing books, music, and educational applications will be used by the students to heighten their technology experience. Also I believe that a Smartboard, would be an amazing technology source in the classroom as well. A Smartboard is an interactive white board that uses a projector screen to display its information. This is a great technology resource because on it interactive, touch screen games can be played (word play, Elkonian boxes, etc.) but also movies and interactive study programs. All of these technologies also allow me to model proper digital responsibility. This can be done by showing the students how to use technology safely and accurately through classroom activities and setting up guidelines that are easy to follow and posted within the classroom.  With just these few technological resources a student will be able to learn by visual, auditory and kinesthetic cues.  But in the end, how will these resources shape our students in the future if they are such great tools?

    With the guidelines/netiquette, covered and posted, technology in the classroom will allow students to start from the basics. Being that most students will not know how to use a computer in early elementary, the basic skills will be developed in class and will allow students to grow in their knowledge. With the education of netiquette being covered so early, children will know not to bully, post negative pictures/posts or pass personal information to strangers, thus making our students responsible digital citizens with responsibility and great leadership abilities. Technology is a great resource in the classroom and can have amazing effects on a child’s learning, development and in the end great personal growth through new tools and resources.

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