Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Jigsaw Classroom Activity

Jigsaw Classroom Activity looks awesome and I can't wait to implement one of these within my elementary classroom. For those who do not know what the Jigsaw Classroom Activity is please check out http://www.jigsaw.org/overview.htm. Although you need access to computers, I think regardless of how many computers you have available in the classroom, the students will be able to look up resources according to a time limit set by a timer. Each student will have access to the computer and with the accountability of their peers,  time and efficiency will be respected. Because the students will be divided up into groups, each looking up different aspects, if one student found a great website with multiple resources s/he could share it with the group and later on share it with the other students with the same subject content.

  • Each student does their own work and learns about different resources available (school websites, academic searches, etc.)
  • Students learn the content knowledge from not only their work but from their peers who have similar material and other aspects around the topic
  • Students learn what teamwork/accountability really looks like
  • Comprehension of what they are reading
  • Some students may be quicker than others or may have at home access (in this case peer tutoring will be used to help other students who have the same topic)
  • If one student really doesn't pull his/her weight it causes the group to suffer
  • May not have resources that accurate
Overall I think this would be a great assignment for all age groups (even if you don't use computers, simply textbooks) it will help children learn the importance of teamwork, fluency and comprehension, and to have fun as a group and get to know people you wouldn't normally play with on the playground!

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